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Сол & Soul ООД- солна стая, София, Варна

Сол & Soul ООД

Ние, от фирма Сол енд Соул, можем да изградим ваша солна стая – за бизнес или лично ползване. Работим с предварително зададен от клиента бюджет. Предлагаме халогенератори със сухо разпрашаване на сол и такива, които работят с воден разтвор на солта. Вторите са предпочитани за детски градини, поради тяхната мобилност, функционалност и пресъздаване на по-естествена и щадяща среда.

 Можем да се видим, да обсъдим и стартираме вашият проект.

Каква е нашата мисия?

Нашите солни стаи са  създадени с много любов за децата.

Апаратурата е избрана от грижовни майки, а името Солница е дадено от малък пакостник.

Заложили сме на халогенератор, който пресъздава наситен естествен морски климат. Смятаме, че това е най–щадящият метод за малчуганите и нас. В Солница се нубелизира воден разтвор на солта, така че да няма дразнене по лигавиците и вредни влияния.

 Обзавеждането е непретенциозно, но изключително удобно. Имаме меки кресла за релакс на родителите и голям пясъчник с едра морска сол за децата. Солта е едра, за да се избегне запрашаване на очите, а сме се спрели на пясъчник, за да можем често да сменяме солта. За декор на стените сме се спрели естествено на тухл хималайска сол.

Знаем колко е важна грижата за нашите и вашите родители. Това е причината целогодишно да правим жест от 50% към хората в пенсионна възраст.

Можем много да напишем, но най-добре да ни посетите и да ви разкажем.

За нас

Сол & Soul ООД

 Ние от фирма „Сол & Soul“ООД сме насочили идеите си изцяло към това, клиентите ни да обърнат внимание и да се възползват от естествените оздравителни процеси и способности на човешкото тяло. В условията на стрес, в които живеем, ние предлагаме луксозни, но достъпни пространства където човек може да се наслади на:

  • Халотерапия 
  • Ароматерапи
  • Цветотерапия
  • Приятна температура
  • Релаксираща музика


В Солница ключът е в апаратурата, количество хималайски тухли в помещението и специалистите работещи при нас J

 Отне ни много време докато изберем най–подходящият метод за нашите деца, но чакането си заслужаваше и резултатите са на лице.

Ние пресъздаваме изключително щадящ наситен морски климат, чрез воден разтвор на солта.

Този метод на нубелизация е подходящ дори за бебета, не дразни лигавиците, солта витае по време на цялата процедура във въздуха, така че да може да се извлече максимума от благотворното влияние. Същевременно тухлите от хималайска сол насищат въздуха с отрицателни йони и така цялостно оздравяват тялото.

Ето по няколко думи за всяка от услугите:

Релакс във солна среда /хималайска или медицинска/.

Ползите от халотерапията могат да бъдат в следните аспекти:

  • по-малка склонност от заболявания настинки и грип
  • овладяване на вирусите в начална фаза
  • предотвратяване и облекчаване на дерматит и псориазис
  • повишен капацитет на белите дробове
  • намаляване на кашлица, дори при пушачи
  • облекчение на някои видове алергии и сенна хрема
  • редуциране на главоболието
  • облекчаване на дихателните пътища и носа, възпалено гърло, бронхиална кашлица
  • намаляване на интензивността на астматичните пристъпи
  • подобряване нивото на имунната система
  • нормализиране на хормоналните разстройства
  • подобрен сън и релакс
  • по-ефективно функциониране на целия организъм
  • хроничен или остър синузит
  • фарингит
  • възпаление на сливиците и ушите
  • хъркане


Идеалният  цикъл при хронични заболявания  е  от 15-20 сесии от около час всеки ден за 6-12 месеца. При по-леки състояния са достатъчни 2-3 курса от десет дни в годината.

Халотерапията не трябва да се разглежда като алтернатива на медикаментозното

лечение,  предприето  за  лечение  на  хронични  заболявания.  Поради  своите  характеристики  тя е напълно   натурална,  лишена е  от   страничните   ефекти,   които   могат   да   се   появят  при фармакологичната терапия. Халотерапията се предлага като допълнително лечение за много заболявания и се препоръчва благодарение на ползите, които носи.

При  халотерапията 30-40 минутна процедура е достатъчна,  за  да се постигнат  същите  резултати, като при престой от три дни на морето. Може да се възползвате от морския климат, без да е необходимо да се отдалечавате от дома.




Препоръчва се при следните случай най-често:


  • за успокояване нервната система

Вдишвайки ароматите на чистите масла, вие влияете на няколко емоционални центъра в мозъчната си кора, като по този начин ги стимулирате и усещате спокойствие, хармония, намалявате напрежението и изпитвате удоволствие. 

  • за кожата

Аромамаслата не само хидратират кожата и придават кадифена мекота, но и се борят с много кожни проблеми.

Ароматерапията въздейства на най-горния дерматологичен слон, като едновременно с това успокоява тялото. Има множество разнообразни процедури, които чрез благоуханните ароматни масла почистват и предпазват кожата от гъбички, бактерии, вируси и други.


  • намаляване на физическата болка

Ако страдате от главоболие, имате болки в ставите или мускулните, не избързвате с ходенето до аптеката. Много масла имат изпитано благоприятно влияние при подобни проблеми.


  • след лъчетерапия

При много пациенти, които са имали рак и са преминали лъчетерапия, ароматерапията е истински спасителен пояс. Ароматните масажи им помагат да се почувстват отново свежи, бодри и здрави, а психологическото състояние в подобни моменти неминуемо влияе и на физическото. Именно поради тази причина, много специалисти препоръчват ароматерапия след тежки лечения от всякакво естество.



Цветотерапия е начин да се използва въздействието на цветовете, за да се подобри и възстанови енергията на тялото ни. Цветовете и светлината са тясно свързани с човека, земята, реките, гората, океаните. Лечението с цветове е вероятно първият вид терапия, използвана от човечеството, която е в пряка връзка с естествения природен начин за поддържане на организма в добро състояние. Цветотерапията въздейства цялостно на всички нива -  физическо, енергийно, емоционално, ментално и духовно.

 Синьото отпуска и успокоява, понижава кръвното налягане, забавя пулса и дишането.
За да облекчите болката от язви, проблеми с гърба, ревматизъм и възпалителни заболявания, заобиколете се със синьо и съсредоточете ума си върху онази част на тялото, която искате да излекувате, докато гледате цвета.
Синьото е цветът на артистите. Това е цветът на тези хора, които са жизнени, енергични, ценят успеха и богатството.
  Зеленото ще въведе ред в емоциите и ще ви успокои.

Зеленото е добър основен лечебен цвят, тъй като той стимулира възстановяването на тъканите. Използвайте зеления цвят, за да се свържете с природата. След като се отпуснете, представете си, че сте в природата, в прекрасно зелено поле, цветя, животни, водопади. Ще усетите как връзката ви с природата ви дава нови сили и спокойствие.
Любителите на зеления цвят са упорити, настойчиви, стабилни и представителни. Обичат природата и спокойствието. 

 Прасковен цвят се използва за мир, честност и равновесие.
  Червеното е цветът на енергията, силата и живота. Той затопля помещенията и успокоява болката. Червеният цвят е мощен лечебен агент за лекуване на заболявания на кръвта и кръвообръщението. 
  Оранжевото  е цветът на действието, ентусиазма и свободата. Ако се чувствате уморени или потиснати, носете оранжеви дрехи, за да повишите енергията си. 
Ако овладеете енергията на оранжевия цвят, наистина ще бъдете господар(ка) на съдбата си.
  Жълтото е цветът на паметта. Когато искате да запомните нещо, запишете си го върху жълта хартия. Жълтият цвят символизира интелекта и се използва като стимулатор на умствената дейност. Той ще ви помогне да мислите по-бързо. Трябва да се използва внимателно, тъй като е силно стимулиращ и може да доведе до преумора и депресия. Като цвят на слънцето, жълтото енергизира и може да намали депресията.
Жълтият цвят е цветът на хората оптимисти.


се използва за излизане от определени състояния, като стрес и скръб, и за лечение на разстройства като депресия, тревожности, панически разстройства, аутизъм, заекване, хиперактивност и дефицит на внимание при децата и за диагностициране на психично-здравните нужди. Музикотерапията се приема и като психотерапевтичен подход, при който музиката се прилага и за целенасочено медииране на връзката тяло-разум-емоция, в процеса на преживяване и осъзнаване, с цел зареждане с положителна емоция, подпомагане оздравяването, както и развитието на човека.

Всеки орган в нашето тяло вибрира по свой начин и енергията на този ритъм съвпада с определени звуци на музикални инструменти.

А когато работата му се наруши, той променя своя ритъм, честотата и силата на своите вибрации. Болното сърце е най-яркият пример за това. И за да се възстанови, на помощ идва музиката. Можем да включим в работа лечебната мощ на определен инструмент, от чийто вибрации душата има нужда и така постепенно тя влиза в синхрон. Музиката действа на психиката и емоциите и така лесно пренася човек от едно състояние в друго.


Какви са ползите?

Ползи от солната терапия

Халотерапията (солната терапия) е позната на човечеството от няколко века, когато  са забелязани благотворните ефекти върху работниците в солни мини. Това е един от двата естествени начина за насищане на тялото със соли и минерали.  Другият е – продължителен престой на морският бряг.

За да се пресъздаде тази среда, в Солница използваме солна стая с халогенератор.

Имаме достатъчни количество хималайска сол, за да се доближим до пещерата и апарат, който разпръсква във въздуха фин воал от воден разтвор на солта, за да ни пренесе на морето, с приятна температура, релаксираща музика и цветотерапия.

При халотерапията частиците сол са 10-15 пъти повече, отколкото на морския бряг. Това означава, че 40-минутна сесия се равнява на тридневна морска ваканция.

От познатите видове сол, най-ефективна е хималайската, тъй като тя има най-много отрицателни йони, които пречистват въздуха. За съжаление съвременният човек е обграден от положителни йони, излъчвани от компютри, телефони, флуорисцентни лампи и др., които въздействат негативно на нервната система. Отрицателните йони я успокояват и действат отпускащо на тялото.

Положителните ефекти от солната терапия са многобройни. Солта повлиява дейността на клетките, енергизира организма и регулира кръвната захар. Тя е естествен дезинфектант, действайки антимикробно и антибактериално. Така благоприятства имунната, нервната, лимфната, дихателната системи, кожата и косата. Също намалява стреса и главоболията, подобрява качеството на съня.

Кожа и красота

Кожата ни е най-големият, много сложен и интелигентен орган в човешкото тяло и с много важни функции. Тя ни защитава от бактерии, вируси и микроби, регулира температурата, предпазва от дехидратация, съдържа рецептори за болка, натиск и други усещания.

Качеството и добрият вид на кожата имат важна роля за това как ни възприемат околните и как ние самите се чувстваме. Кожата е първият орган, който показва признаците на стареене. Халотерапията е отлично решение за подобряването на цялостния вид и здраве на кожата.

Научни изследвания потвърждават, че микро частиците сол имат благоприятно влияние върху кожата и косата. Халотерапията активира електрофизиологичната дейност на клетките, а тя определя защитните свойства на кожата и процесите на възобновяване на дермата, както и стимулира растежа на здрава коса.

Солните частици влияят на микрокръвообращението на кожата и на пропускливостта на клетъчната мембрана, подпомагайки козметичните и дерматологични процедури и терапии.

Солният разтвор, разпръскван от халогенератора се абсорбира много добре, така че малките частички, при допира с кожата, попиват себума, който причинява акне, както и намаляват пристъпите на псориазис и екзема,  често са причинени от възпаление.

Солта има пртивовъзпалителен ефект и действа като много нежен ексфолиант, подпомагайки премахването на мъртви клетки и растежа на нова, здрава кожа.


Солта също помага за балансирането на нивото на Ph на кожата, стимулира възобновяването на клетките, подобрява еластичността на кожата, като в същото време увеличава защитните способности на клетките и добрите бактерии.


Солта пречиства бактериални инфекции от кожата по естествен начин, намалявайки зачервяванията и облекчавайки раздразнената кожа.


Вдишването на солчни частици също подпомага облекчаването на възпаления и затруднения с дихателната система, което увеличава притока на кислород в кръвта и оттам стимулира хиподермалния слой на кожата.


Редовните сесии солна терапия могат да повлияят благоприятно следните състояния:

  • Псориазис
  • Сърбеж
  • Екзема
  • Подуване и възпаление
  • Дерматит
  • Суха, белеща се кожа
  • Акне
  • Обриви
  • Розацеа
  • Стареене на кожата


Дихателна система: 
Солната терапия е естествен и неинвазивен начин за облекчаване дихателната система. Здравите бели дробове и дихателна система за особено важни за цялостното състояние на организма, неговата виталност, енергичност и дълголетие.

Обикновено възрастните вдишват 12-15 пъти в минута, а децата – 20-30 пъти. Основната функция на белите дробове е да снабдяват червените кръвни телца с кислород и да отделят въглеродния диоксид извън тялото. Също така, дихателната система има важен защитен механизъм, с който пречиства въздуха от замърсявания и чужди тела, регулира pH нивото на кръвта и помага да се контролира кръвното налягане.


В ежедневието си ние сме постоянно изложени на замърсявания от околната среда, на въдушно-преносими болести, бактерии, алергени и други дразнители. Халотерапията е единствения познат метод, който изчиства и детоксикира дробовете и подсилва цялото тяло като увеличава капацитета на белите дробове и притока на кислород.


Научни изследвания показват, че вдишаните частици сол имат бактерицидно, мукокинетично, хидрофилно и противовъзпалително действие, което помага за намаляване на възпаленията в целия дихателен тракт и за разширяване на дихателните пътища. Фината сол също ускорява транспортирането на слуз и елиминирането на замърсители  като дим, прах, алергени. Чистата дихателна система естествено означава увеличен приток на кислород, повишена енергия и подобрена имунна система.


Микрочастиците сол са високо абсорбиращи и действат като гъба, привличайки чужди субстанции по пътя си в дихателния тракт. Може да си предтавим солта като четка за зъби, която чисти дихателните пътища.


При редовни сесии халотерапия се наблюдава облекчение на следните състояния:

  • Астма
  • Алергии
  • Настинка
  • Бронхит
  • Синузит
  • Ушни инфекции
  • Пушаческа кашлица


Сън и възстановяване

Солта има естествен релаксиращ ефект върху тялото, което може да стимулира съня. Заради противовъзпалителните си свойства, солта увеличава притока на кислород и помага на тялото да се отпусне като съдейства и за намаляване на хъркането.


Солната терапия прави чудеса след тренировка. Тя е натурално средство, с което се подпомага възстановяването след спорт и подобряването на физическата дейност. След тежка тренировка, халотерапията помага за повишаването на нивата на кислород в кръвообращението и съответно за облекчаването на възпалението в белите дробове, така че тялото се възстановява до най-добрата си форма по най-бързия начин.




Dr. Giorgio Bartolomucci,

Medical specialist, Director magazine “La Pelle”, “Pelle Beauty” and “ Area Wellness”

Many of the great scientific discoveries are a result of random observations, such as the popular case of the “apple falling on Newton’s head” which lead him to formulate his famous theory of gravitation, and more over, the discovery of penicillin happened due to the fact that the scientist Ian Fleming forgot to wash some bacterial cultures, during the night, fungus were grown on. The same can be said about the beneficial effects of the salt that, in the mid-nineteenth were noticed on a group of salt miners suffering from respiratory problems working underground at the Polish salt mine at Wieliczka in Poland. As a result of improvement in their health, it was decided to study in depth the microclimate in salt caves giving rise to a scientific research regarding the speleotherapy (treatment in caves) and halotherapy (therapy which makes use of salt). Both of these methods were already well known in antiquity and 1st Century AD. Plinio, in his monumental encyclopaedia Naturalis Historia arrogated many benefits of salt to respiratory conditions and to the treatment of skin problems considering it a very important tool in the Roman culture and tradition. Humans have been using salt and salt caves for therapeutic uses for thousands of years, long before history was recorded, and has long held an important place in religion and mithology. For Neolithic men, the commonest method used to gather salt was the solar evaporation of the seawater and soon they learned to produce it by extracting the rock salt from the soil they boiled. At the beginning, salt has been the best-known food preservative, especially for meat and fish, for many thousands of years. Its first use on a religious purpose takes place in ancient Egypt used in the mummification process, whilst - as told in the New Testament - for the Jews, salt was a symbol of wisdom, happiness, eternity and a symbol of an unbreakable covenant between God and man. Homer called it a “divine substance” while Plato described it as “especially dear to the gods". Among the Greeks, and later in Roman Temples salt, thanks to its strong cleansing power, was used during the sacrifices, for this reason, a week after birth, salt was passed on the forehead of the newborn as precaution against demons and disease. A custom that reminds us of the baptism ceremony in the Christian Church, during its performance, still nowadays the priest puts a little blessed salt in the candidate's mouth. The salt trade as well, has always been important, streets such as (Salaria street) and cities like Salzburg derive their names from this substance while, for the control of its production and commerce, battles and wars have been fought over the centuries. Therefore, there’s no coincidence that in the Middle Ages sea salt obtained by evaporating seawater, was used as currency and considered more precious than gold.

Between tradition and science

The first written records on the Healing Power of Salt attest properties and propensities for healing skin diseases, insect bites, open wounds but also bruises, sprains or swellings. Plenty of anecdotes and popular recipes, but the beginning of a more modern approach to Halotherapy treatment was first used, starting from the middle of the last century, in eastern European countries, in Poland and Germany, as a result of random observations. At the end of the Second World War,
many individuals in order to protect themselves from heavy Allied bombing had taken refuge in salt caves and afterwards reported to their doctors that improvements in their respiratory symptoms were noticed. So it was that the Speleotherapy in natural salt caves became an increasingly common practice in Eastern Europe and different Thermal centers began to evaluate and appreciate it according to a scientific basis and propose it as a reference treatment for skin and lung diseases.

The salts

Our whole planet is full of salt, it is present not only in seas as well as on the land in the form of mineral deposits. In nature, besides the table salt that we all know and daily use, there are various types of this life's essential ingredient. Sea salt is the most widely used but because of pollution it must be more and more processed and refined. There are hundreds of different types of salt and in order to understand its different mineral compositions and possibilities of use, we will present you a few basic concepts of chemistry. Salt is a compound formed by replacing hydrogen of an acid with metal ions or with a functional group (for example, the amino NH4 group), in order to form through ionic bonds a crystal lattice. The salt can be organic or inorganic, soluble or completely insoluble in water or in other solvents, with changeable and diverse external characteristics (color,smell, taste, transparency) depending on its composition. What we commonly call table salt, is actually one of many kinds of salt and can be extracted from sea water (sea water) or mines (rock salt) arising from the slow evaporation of ancient marine basins. Rock salt, extracted from mines, provides all the essential trace elements but lacks bioavailability,
i.e. cannot be absorbed by the body. Normally, refined sea salt, is often stripped of iodine, copper, etc., and may contain about 99% of sodium chloride (NaCl). Salts can also be formed by sedimentation of acid rains with their subsequent evaporation and the detrital buildup of salts, as weel as laboratory process used to obtain artificial sea water salts. Each salt has its own crystalline structure formed during more or less long natural processes.

Salt and health

Salt, like water, plays an important role in our health: our body contains it, uses it to form important elements and exploits it for essential vital functions, through its transmitter action between sensory cells. The excess consumption of the salt can have negative impact to the body, that’s true, but we must clarify that: the salt we use commonly known as table salt, in fact, is predominantly sodium chloride. The genuine Crystalline salt is richer and contains natural elements that are exactly the same constituents of our body. The salt deposits contained in high mountains, like Himalaya, is presented in blocks of white, purple or reddish color. If chemically refined by many of its trace elements considered "impurities" and afterwards milled, there remains only the sodium chloride, that if taken without having inside the body the right amount of antagonistic elements (such as calcium, magnesium and other minerals) which neutralize the negative effects, can damage cells and give rise to water retention strenuously fought by women. It is therefore necessary to always distinguish between the pure crystalline salt and the table salt in trade: its color is immediately evident, that in pure Himalayan salt remains pink even when it is ground and no longer in a block form. While the distinction between sea salt - extracted from seawater, increasingly polluted, and rock salt - left by the seas that once covered the territories where now there are valuable deposits. An example of rock salt is the Crystalline salt of Himalaya: the strong pressure that determined the formation of massifs gave rise to the formation of the crystal lattices of an ordered structure, that allows a very accurate study of the components of this salt, with special features that, for example, in food environment it is suggested to hypertensive subjects as well or to whom suffers from pathologies that require a low consumption of table salt. Himalayan Crystal salt 100% pure, is extracted by hand from ancient salt caves, at the base of the mountain range, formed over 250 million years, is washed and dried in the sun. It is believed that on our planet there are other fields with these features, but have not yet been identified. The research continues just as for gold deposits or oilfields. Using this type of salt, cures pertaining to water and mineral salts can be made, able to detoxify and rejuvenate the body, also allows to preparare Peloid Mask, able to enrich the skin with valuable trace elements and create the right conditions for an effective bath of health inside special Salt Rooms. The last one is becoming increasingly popular in wellness centers, we’ll turn back on this topic later, for now is enough to say that is useful to neutralize harmful electromagnetic emissions and to treat respiratory and skin diseases of various kinds, like boils, eczema, dry or oily skin, with encouraging results. In conclusion, salt, wisely chosen and used, is man's best friend, not an enemy. It’s enough to know and recognize its hidden sides, so as not to run into trivial but serious errors.

Water and salt in beauty

The use of salt for curative/aesthetic purposes is possible. There are many ways to make use of the most simple of minerals for one’s health and beauty: solutions, baths, inhalations, washes, treatments, all of them based on salt. Let’s start with a rather simple and widely used application: the body scrub, carried out with a mixture of salt and massage oil, an well-known application used still during the times of Maya, that to the mixture used to add honey, too. It is an ideal method to detoxify the skin making it smooth and soft. Using a gentle circular motion of the hands on the parts with thickening skin, small imperfections or simply needing a deep exfoliation, the use of salt will effectively remove the dead cells from the surface of the epidermis and the result will be felt from the first application. Than, there are face masks using saline mud: i.e. natural mineral that is formed in the salt mines over the years. After the extraction the components are milled and mixed with a saline solution, making a mixture with moisturizing effect, redness soothing, against skin blemishes and wrinkles. Apply the mask leaving the delicate area of the eyes, and left for 15-20 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with cold water. You have as final result – a feeling of deep freshness. The saline mud can be also applied on herpes, to improve the outpourings. For the nose washing as well, using special vaporizers with hydrosaline solutions of about 1%, prepare it by completely dissolving 1 gram of salt in 100 ml of warm water. These solutions do not cause burning sensation in the nasal mucosa because they are similar to the fluids in our body, also suitable for gargling and rinsing in case of inflammation of the mouth and throat. If you want to take a bath that does not dry out the skin, the ideal is the saline one: compared to the traditional bath with soap, the protective layer of the skin remains intact because the salt is deposited on the surface of the skin and prevents the drying. It is an ideal solution for those who have dry skin and has a purifying effect: for 30 minutes, this bath seem to be equivalent to 3 days diet rich in vegetables and fruits, beacuse toxins from the body are transferred to the pool water by osmosis, while the skin replenishes the minerals present in solution. This bath is also an excellent method to lower the acidity of the body and re-balance the natural pH of the skin.

A curiosity: according to some legends, the best results would be obtained by immersing yourself during the moon phases: the full one is great for the assimilation of minerals and energy contained in the solution, while the new moon intensify the purifying effect. The bath treatments made in the Dead Sea, have become staples for more serious skin diseases, such as psoriasis, which as you know, has a very high percentage of salt in its waters. In case of acne, a daily application of saline solution on the affected parts and an application of saline mud masks twice a week have a great beneficial effect. Salt - an irreplaceable and inexhaustible friend.

Thalassotherapy and Halotherapy

In early 800, a French biologist, René Quinton, after discovering the analogy between the composition of sea water and blood plasma started advising the first Thalassotherapy treatments, a cure that exploits the combined beneficial effects of salt, iodine and sea water. The rules of thalassotherapy also provide a special collection of water from the sea (3 mt deep and at least 300 meters from the coast), water filtering and temperatures at which the treatment should be offered (from 30 to 34°). The scientific explanation of thalassotherapy action resides in the fact that the pores of the skin, in contact with the heated water, pure and rich of mineral salts, dilate and allow the penetration of valuable trace elements, released into the blood system, correcting imbalances and thus helping to restore vitality, health and great form to those who are tired and under stress. There are many similarities but also some differences worth mentioning of what happens during Halotherapy sessions. The tradition and folk medicine says that the sea air contains high levels of sea salt, or a mixture of salt and iodine, which helps in a first time the production of nasal mucus and sputum, and therefore the cleaning of the nasal cavity and upper respiratory tract. For these reasons, pediatricians has always recommend a stay by the seaside considered a panacea for children subjected to repeated infections, those that once were called lymphatics due to the swelling of the lymph nodes of the neck. The bioclimatology researches explain that the air of the sea contains a greater load of negative ions of oxygen that create instant bonds with hemoglobin – a substance responsible for the transportation of oxygen to the cells of the tissues. The same happens in the natural rock salt caves where a certain degree of humidity favors the release of micromoles of salt from stalactites, forming the basis for explaining the principles of Speleotherapy, a form of natural therapy well known to the ancient Romans and still used today in various Italian and European spas. Being able to enjoy the marine climate even during periods away from the summer without having to stray too far from home has always been a dream, however, not easy to achieve, the same for the reproduction of beneficial conditions found inside a salt cave. Therefore, the main challenge for the leading companies in welfare industry was to build environments, or salt rooms/ cabins, where the microclimate reproduce the marine environment or the environment of a salt cave, in which you can linger to take advantage of the effects of the halotherapy, breathing air enriched with pure salts, with a very low bacterial load.

Principles of bioclimatic design

Many of the well-being feelings in a Wellness Center are related to environmental comfort and thermohygrometrics. This implies the need to combine cutting-edge design technology, able to offer comfortable solutions, functional and, above all, flexible. Studies of the human physiology show that each individual has a thermal control system that allows to adapt to variable environmental conditions. The main goal to keep the body temperature, which is practically constant, around 37 ° C. While the skin temperature varies in accordance with the external conditions. The physical parameters that can affect the temperature of the environment is the air velocity, humidity control and heating or cooling system. Our body constantly produces heat in relation to different metabolic processes that release different energy levels and it is clear that this heat contributes to the determination of the environmental temperature. If the cabin to be built is is bound to a sedentary activity the best environmental comfort will depend on the analysis and evaluation of the above described factors and from the heating system, without forgetting the important influence of the relative which significantly affects the feeling of well-being. When the relative humidity is less than 20% mucous membranes dry out, with a humidity of 40-50%, if the air is still, the closest layer to the skin is quickly saturated, preventing further evaporation. At a humidity higher than 80%, the evaporation of the body is limited and also the movement of the air does not have large refreshing effects, if the air is saturated with moisture 100% any type of cooling evaporation is impossible. It is therefore considered that at an increase of relative humidity equal to 10% the same effect of a temperature increase of 0.3 ° C is perceived. In the design of a salt room cannot be forgotten that the influence of the relative humidity has a significant effect on well-being and therefore many companies prefer a steam nebulizer system to a system of a dry steam micronization of the salt particles . The optimal environmental comfort in fact depends on maintaining a certain level of relative humidity and an internal temperature perceived as pleasant (27-30 °). In environments of small size tend to use radiant plates can lead to optimum values of the air temperature, affecting both temperature on the purity, the speed and the relative air humidity.

Salt room: micronization or nebulization?

The technologies used to reproduce the optimal parameters that create comfortable conditions for those undergoing halotherapy sessions are two: micronizazion which reduces the salt to infinitesimal sizes transforming it into a light powder, and ultrasonic nebulization able to transform the water molecules in very small particles that create a particular fog effect leaving in in the air the beneficial properties of the saline solution. Both are based on the fact that the person placed in a closed environment inhale the corpuscles of Pure Salt, through the respiratory tract, preferably pure rock salt. In the micronization process the salt is ground and reduced in very fine particles and this is possible through the bumps etched by a gas (usually nitrogen) at high pressure and speed inside a generator. The microscopic molecules released by the salt dust, with a particle size less than 10 microns, are very light and once released in the environment reach the respiratory system where they perform their beneficial function.

On contrary, the nebulization exploits a characteristic common to all the salts - the power to dissolve in water. This is because the crystalline structure which characterizes them is based on ionic bonds that in contact with water, at certain temperatures, break. The ultrasonic nebulizer acts on a saline solution of distilled water and pure salt (hypertonic) turning the liquid into tiny micro-droplets that simulates a light steam in which the salt is dissolved in the optimal amount (about 50%). The first difference that is immediately apparent is that while in the first case the environment is characterized as more dry and cold (temperature 18-24 °), in the case of ultrasonic nebulization the saline solution in combination with the steam makes a warmer- humid environment (about 28/30 ° C), which recalls the pleasurable sensations and the beneficial effects of a summer walk by the seaside. The environment, rich in oxygenated air and ozone, stimulates skin hydration and pH adjustment. The feeling of a temperature perceived as pleasant generates relaxation and also a favorable non-specific mechanism in respect of the circulatory and respiratory systems. Moreover, the light thermal stimulation activates other enzymes already present in our body such as phospholipase A2, which acts on the phospholipids of cell membranes and generates arachidonic acid, a substance that can turn into prostaglandin - powerful modulators of inflammation. This fact justifies the ability of steam saline to interact with the intensity of the inflammatory condition present in skin diseases. In other words, we can say that it is about the exposure to a fine salt fog particles of which penetrate deep into the respiratory tract and are absorbed through the skin and therefore to the benefit of the whole body.


The salt room is an ideal structure made to recreate the natural microclimate rich of salts that can naturally promote the psychological well-being. You can enter the Salt room partially dressed and you can relax tank to the pleasant and relaxing effect of chromo and music therapy. It is an environment whose walls are entirely covered with salt and the intervention of a generator that nebulizes or micronizes in the air medical salt particles of pure rock. Inhalation with thermal water (crenotherapy) are traditionally more used in Italy for the treatment of chronic diseases of the respiratory tract but numerous scientific studies claim that even the Salt Room can fight a large group of acute and chronic respiratory conditions (rhino-sinusitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, bronchiectasis, cystic fibrosis, ear infections, allergies and asthma) that have in common an inflammatory state, acute or chronic, and an overproduction of mucous secretion that aggravates the obstruction of the respiratory tract at various levels (hyperreactivity and broncospami). Accurate research have in fact shown that like the endonasal irrigations using seawater also the inhalation of sodium chloride in a pure state, in the course of a cycle of controlled sessions of halotherapy, is able to activate the "mucus clearance ciliary" stimulating the tens of thousands of tiny hairs that cover the airways which vibrates on a regular and coordinated basis push outward the mucous secretion membrane. Through this mechanism a continuous cleaning of the airways is provided that is even more complete if you think that trapped in the mucus itself are the common bacteria and viruses that inhabit the mouth and upper respiratory tract, as well as different air pollutants, mainly pollen and heavy metals. The steam inhalation of salt also has a bactericidal effect in respect of pneumococci and strafilococchi, creating an unfavorable environment for their survival and multiplication.
Dermatology is another field in which several clinical studies have demonstrated improvements after the use of salt. Applications of halotherapy in the course of dermatitis and other acute and chronic skin problems, determine results primarily attributable to the strengthening of the immune defense system due to the production of cytokines and growth factors, some of which play an important role in rebalancing the lipid peroxidation system having an anti-oxidant effect. To the direct action specific of the microparticles of salt breathe, in the form of dry powder or fine fog, in a hot-humid environment, indirect biological effects seem to be added, related to the temperature perceived as more pleasant from a psychological point of view, but also at the level of hemodynamic microcirculation, of a neuroendocrine-type, in particular an increase of serotonin, and at the level of the immune system too, which have an important effect on the skin, the subcutaneous tissue and muscles. And that’s not all: the hygroscopic properties of the salt, or the ability to absorb liquids, also has anti-edemigeni and decongestants effects and can help to relieve fatigue and improve the microcirculation of the legs.

Applications and Protocols

Despite the long history of Halotherapy has not yet come to a generally accepted classification of applications and protocols. However, the Salt Room is a safe and suitable environment for people of any age and physical condition: for children and the elderly, women, adults and athletes who want to increase their physical performance. Many articles on the benefits that can be drawn from a series of sessions have been published in various scientific journals from which, after a meta- analysis, one can also infer different types of protocols applicable to adults and one reserved for pediatric age.

a) Respiratory Protocols

Study designed to evaluate the opportunity to accompany the classic drug and physical therapies by treatments of halotherapy prescribed to subjects suffering of bronchitis, asthma and suffering from respiratory diseases, have shown that treatment with airborne and inhaled salt in Salt Rooms has an effective result in reducing bronchial hyperreactivity, characteristic of the patient's pulmonary and bronchial asthma experienced more often than in healthy subjects, usually as a response to nonspecific stimuli such as running and physical exertion and even more trivial such as laughing and crying. The same protocol is applicable in the case of runny nose, rhinitis and difficulty in breathing due to common seasonal allergies. The saline solution of distilled water and pure salt is obtained by dissolving 30-40 grams of salt per liter of water (hypertonic 3-4%) then, the ultrasonic nebulizer is turned on which generates a steam inside which besides thousands of microdroplets about 50% of the dissolved salt is being found. The temperature of the Salt Room is mantained at about 30° and the treatment is made for 40 minutes, for 5 times a week for a total of 20 sessions. The 20 sessions are to be repeated at a distance of a few months and especially at the beginning of the cold season or, in case of allergy, in advance of the most critical periods. The treatment inside the Salt Room made in order to diminish the bronchial hyper-reactivity is not suggested as an alternative to the regular medical care, while it can serve , in more severe cases, also as a complementary element to conventional therapy based on inhaled steroids. Some clinical reports speak of favorable outcomes of 80% of the patients, which showed an improvement at a distance of 6-12 months after the treatment was finished. In particular, an increase in lung capacity and the reduction of cough was observed even to smokers.

b) Dermatological protocols

The simplest use of hypertonic saline solution is one that is traditionally suggested in the case of small superficial wounds or inflammation of the skin such as abscesses and fistulas. Known since ancient times, this practice has been for centuries the primary form of care in regard to conditions in which there was a need, on one hand of a bactericidal action, the other side a contrast to edema and local inflammation. The water has always been, in the course of human history a valuable ally against infections, bruises and pains. Halotherapy acts in a different way and to understand the benefits attributable to the biological action of the salt in the field of dermatology, we must remember that skin diseases are many and difficult to diagnose. Since the distinction between acute and chronic forms, that for a non-expert look may appear similar, especially if characterized by common symptoms, such as erythema and desquamation, but in reality may differ and manifest itself as complicated diagnostic puzzle.

In acute conditions, the inflammatory process may vary according to the nature of the stimulus, its intensity, its duration, the affected area, the ability of the body's defense etc., but there is always an increase of blood flow in the inflamed area, an increase in the permeability of the wall of the capillaries and the passage of plasma and cells from the blood into the tissue (exudation): lymphocytes, granulocytes, plasma cells, red blood cells, histiocytes. In the affected area they play important defensive functions, such as the production of antibody and the elimination of foreign material or microorganisms. During the inflammatory process, released substances of various nature are released (histamine, and other chemical mediators) which act on the blood vessels determining the dilation and the increase in permeability and, ultimately these substances are directly responsible for the inflammatory process itself. In acute inflammation of the skin phenomena of exudation and circulatory disorders are especially marked, so that the affected area is swollen, reddened, and local temperature increases. Usually the problem is solved within a short period of time, but often an acute inflammation may eventually become chronic. What you can obtain applying halotherapy is the normalization of the superficial skin flora, without the use of antibiotics, but in a natural way as you are relying on the bactericidal power of the salt (boils, eczema, oily skin). Particular care is necessary when applying excessively hypertonic saline solutions, in skin diseases characterized by an intense irritation, because the salt that is sprinkled on injuries, may cause burning and be uncomfortable and poorly tolerated. Therefore, mixtures of distilled water and pure salt are advices to be used, 10-20 grams per liter (1-2%) and the duration of the session must not exceed 20-30 minutes, with the internal temperature of the Salt Room not above 30 °, for a cycle of not more than 10 applications during one month.

1) Chronic skin diseases: the course of an acute or chronic inflammatory process may depend on the specific or non-specific cause, on the response capacity of the organism (age, metabolic and endocrine conditions, any intercurrent disease, etc.) and on the possible establishment of a equilibrium between the organism and the micro organism that caused the inflammation. According to the existing literature, it appears that the chronic skin diseases in which it is advisable to take into account the halotherapy are at least two: the Psoriasis and Atopic Dermatitis.

2) Psoriasis: this chronic skin disease is manifested by substantial visible alterations of the skin surface and in the Old Testament is written of the beneficial effects of the salts. Studies made in different eras agree that the level of improvement of the disease reaches up to 85% after just a few weeks of treatment based on baths with a high concentration of salts. The data to our knowledge suggest that a hypertonic mixture of 4% nebulizer in a closed environment as a Salt Room, can determine advantages both for the already mentioned bactericidal effects that can normalize the microbial flora of the skin that for the osmotic properties of salts are able to attract to the skin lesions liquids from the surrounding areas thus contributing to the rebalancing and recovery of the function of the moisture barrier of the surface. Not to be forgotten, the strong mineralizing effect after the penetration of salts in depth. The Halotherapy treatment must be intense and concentrated over four weeks with daily sessions of at least 30-40 minutes each. A dual warning is necessary, however: during the application, especially on an irritated skin, a burning sensation and redness is possible to appear, while at the end of the session it is advisable to apply soothing and moisturizers creams on the entire body.

Atopic Dermatitis: constitutes about one-fifth of all eczema and its etiopathogenesis mechanism is still very controversial. It has been so far recognized as a constitutional factor that would affect the onset of the disease, but it is also certain that the atopics are hypersensitive to various internal and external stimuli. The predisposition to atopy is also present in subjects suffering of asthma and allergic rhinitis (for example hayfever), that explains that, the onset of these conditions is contemporary. The manifestations of atopy, also can be triggered by dietary factors, emotions, puberty, pregnancy, menopause. It is also possible to be present at a seasonal rhythm (winter or spring), typical of each subject. In all these subjects is possible to say that one or more cycles of applications (20 sessions on alternate days) halotherapy in a Salt Room in which is sprayed a mixture of distilled water and pure salts at a concentration of 2-4% for a duration of 30 minutes can have visible effects from the very first sessions. The mechanism is always bound to the bactericidal and moisturizing power of salt, in the case of subjects with asthma or allergic rhinitis benefits brought about by the ability to reduce nasal secretions and any obstruction of the respiratory tract.

c) Pediatric protocols: in general, Atopic Dermatitis has a typical trend, begins in childhood during the first year of life and spontaneously disappears, then returns to school age or puberty.

The clinical picture consists of erythematous patches, moderately detected mainly on the face and cheeks, on which vesicles filled with an exudate gives rise to a whitish crust that when localized on the scalp gets its characteristic name of cradle cap. The intense itching and scratching creates damages resulting in injury and often bloody abrasions on which are superimposed infections due to phylogenic bacteria that populate the surface of the skin. From the face atopic dermatitis spreads in waves even to the trunk and limbs to affect the entire body surface. As mentioned, the lesions usually disappear spontaneously towards the second year of life, although there are cases in which the crisis may continue without rule. During puberty the character of the lesions changes, despite the intense inflammation they are less exudative and are located not only on the face but around the lips too, in a symmetric way, in particular to the flexor folds of large joints: knees and elbows. A lichenified aspect prevails, or thickened skin, while the itching and the consequent scratching favors microbial infections. The clinical picture just described have made the specialists thinking of a possible use halotherapy sessions even in early childhood, but apparently more than in other protocols, the caution in the application of saline solutions becomes essential, that might be too hypertonic, because the salt deposited on the highly irritated skin can cause discomfort and lead to tears the smaller subjects. Short sessions (between 15-20 minutes) and hydrosaline solutions of 1-2% per cycle of 15 sessions every other day. After the first sessions you might notice an apparent worsening of the lesions that may appear more reddened, but very soon, going on in the cycle of applications, the skin tends to blaze up with a significant improvement. The result is certainly due to the reduction of bacterial skin that often keeps the chronic inflammatory process of eczema: in fact, it is documented that halotherapy normalizes the normal flora of the skin surface in atopic dermatitis and the best results are achieved exactly during the chronic phase. The use of emollients and functional products after applying Halotherapy has a synergistic effect in dealing with the clinical condition, but you will always need, the careful supervision and guidance of an specialist. Given the lack of side effects is possible to repeat the treatment several times in the case of recurrences or simply to maintain the absence of lesions.
Do not underestimate the ability of halotherapy applications on children with respiratory problems such as asthma (cleansing of the mucosa also removes pollen from the nasal cavity and upper airways), rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis, persistent cough and , both acute and chronic otitis. Good results were also recorded during the inflammation of the adenoids, acute and chronic ear infections and bronchiolitis, a disease quite common in winter among children, that often involves bronchospasm that require hospitalization. As an adjuvant in these conditions the salt concentration nebuliser can rise to 3-4% and the duration of the session may be fixed at around 30 minutes. A cycle should never exceed 10-12 sessions every two or three days.

d) other protocols

- The aesthetic effect that halo-therapy can have on cellulite and orange peel skin should not be overlooked. Certainly the most famous are the mechanical actions that salts can play with a gentle peeling on rough skins, scaly, atonic, but the osmotic properties of the inhaled salts, can help to counteract the edematous stage of cellulite and can improve the local microcirculation. The concentration of the solution of pure salts can be around 4-6% for sessions of 30-40 minutes and cycles of applications of 25 sessions over the course of two months.

- For application of halotherapy to athletes who suffer from bruises, swellings and articular edemas, the nebulized hypertonic solution must have a much higher percentage of salts (until 20%) and the sessions of 40-60 minutes each one must follow one another daily at least for a week or until the ailment is not completely disappeared.

- The relaxing effects of the sessions in the Salt Room, especially if accompanied by applications of chromium and music therapy, suggest the use also for nervous system problems such as anxiety, stress and sleep disorders. The ideal concentration is around 4%, with sessions of 30-35 minutes and cycles of 10-15 sessions every 3 days. The result is an increase of the general comfort and a smaller colds tendency and influences.

Contraindications for applications of Halotherapy

The itchy throat and skin irritation, especially in case of erythematous lesions or wounds, are the most common adverse events that can be easily resolved by going out of the Room of Salt, rinsing the mouth and washing the affected areas with distilled pure water. The phenomenon, however, tends to disappear with subsequent sessions. There are no known interactions with any type of medication, even if the Halotherapy is not recommended in patients with neoplastic diseases, pulmonary TB, emphysema, serious deficiencies cardiovascular, serious nervous syndromes, hyperthyroidism, systemic hypo and hypertension, fever and recent haemorrhagic conditions, serious allergies particularly to the Iodine.

-G. Maliavin, Iu Filiaeva, M. Umakhova ,V. Chervinskaia

-Farkhutdinov,L. Abdrakhmanova,R. Farkhutdinov

Grinshtein Iul,Shestovitskii VA,Kuligina-Maksimova

-N V Grigor eva

-Maev EZ,Vinigradov Nv.

-V. Chervinskaia

-Borisenko LV,Chervinskaia,NG di Stepanova, Lukian,Gonciarova VA,Pokhodzei IV,Krivitskaia VZ, LA di Vishniakova, Pokhaznikova MA, Faustova ME ed altri.


-NA di Roslaia,Likhacheva EI,Shchekoldin

- Gorbenko , Adamova IV, Sinitsyna TM

- Other Notes

- The benefits can be summed in the following points:
- Smaller tendency to colds and influences • Relief from dermatitis and psoriasis • Increased lung capacity •
- Decreased cough even in smokers • Increase in the use of vitamin B and C •
- Relief from certain types of allergies and hay fever • Relief from headaches •
- Relief of the respiratory tract and nose • Relief from sore throat, bronchial cough • Reduction in intensity of asthma attacks • Improvement of the immune system • Normalization of hormonal disorders • Improved sleep and relaxation •
- More effective functioning of the whole organism •

- The ideal cycle is preferably (but not necessarily) of 15-20 sessions of about an hour each with daily frequency and the benefits can last up to 6-12 months after. The halotherapy should not be considered as an alternative to drug treatment undertaken for the treatment of chronic diseases. Due to its characteristics - it is completely natural, it is devoid of side effects that instead may accompany pharmacological therapy - it is proposed as a complementary treatment for many diseases and it is recommended for the benefits it brings.

- With the halotherapy, 30-40 minutes of treatment are enough to get the same results of three days of sea. Consider, therefore, with equal benefits, the advantage, also economic, to benefit from the marine climate without the need to go too far from home.


- The effect of treatment in the salt cave for hyper - bronchial reactivity in asthmatic patients.

- Context: randomized controller, trials are needed to assess the effects of complementary therapies in the treatment of asthma.
- This study evaluated the effect of treatment of the salt chamber as an add-in for therapy with low and moderate inhalation, ideal therapy in patients with bronchial asthma hyper - reactivity

- Methods: After a basic period of 2 weeks, 32 asthma patients who exhibit BHR have been challenged in the inhalation of histamine were randomized: 17 after two weeks of active treatment, during which the salt has been fed to the room through a generator of salt, and 15 for the placebo. The treatment of salt room lasted for 40 min and was administered five times a week. Results: median doses cause a 15% decrease of FEV. (PD, FEV) increases significantly in the active group (P=0,047) but not in the placebo group. The difference in the changes between the active group and the placebo group was significant (P=0,02). Nine patients (56%) in the active group and two patients (17%) in the placebo group exposed to the doubling of the doses last BHR decrease (P=0,040). Six patients (38%) in the active group and none in the placebo group became hyper- reactive (P=0,017). Neither the peak of expiratory flow (PEF), only the values measured before and after treatment, nor FEV values measured before to the histamine challenge were changed. The reduction BHR was not caused.

- Pelligrini M. Fanin D. Nowicki Y. Bordin A. Faggian D. Plebani M. Saetta M
- Inhalations with the thermal water have traditionally been used for the treatment of superior and inferior part of chronic diseases of the respiratory tract. However, the benefit and the mechanism of this treatment have not been adequately evaluated. To determine if the bromide of iodized salt and the thermal water improve lung function and airway inflammation, We did an experiment with 39 patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (BPCO). These patients were randomly assigned and they received for 2 weeks inhalation treatment with thermal water (active nr. = 20) or physiological (control, nr. = 19). Lung volumes were measured at the Saint George's Respiratory Questionnaire, where induced sputum and was administered before and after treatment. After the experiment any changes were observed in phase before or after pulmonary inhalation. The change was observed after inhalation of treatment in both groups. Patients showed a significant improvement in group activities compared to the control group at the end of the process. The total concentration of cells in induced sputum were increased in both (P <0.05P <0,05) and the control groups (P <0.05P <0,05). The inhalation of thermal water induced a small but significant decrease in the percentage of neutrophil sputum (P <0.01P <0,01) and a parallel increase of macrophages (P
- <0.01P <0,01). Contrarily, a normal salty solution for inhalation was not associated with changes in sputum differential cell counts.
- in conclusion, treatment with inhalation of sodium bromide iodine and thermal water COPD is associated with a reduction in the percentage of neutrophils induced sputum and suggests that the thermal water may have a mild anti-inflammatory effect on the airways. However, the short-term improvement in some elements of health-related of the quality of life was not connected with the changes in lung function or with the degree of airway inflammation.

- Inhalation hyperosmolare and agents for bronchiectasis. P Wills, M. Greenstone
- Department of Respiratory Medicine, Hillingdon Hospital, Pield Heath Road, Uxbridge, Middlesex, Regno Unito, UB8 3NN.
- BACKGROUND: THE retention of mucus in the lungs is a characteristic of Bronchiectasis. The stagnation of mucus becomes chronically colonized by the bacteria, which elicit a neutrophilic series. This fails to eliminate the bacteria, and the largest concentration of protease derived of the host and may contribute to airway damage. The feeling of mucus is retained for itself and is cause of suffering, and the inability to maintain the sterility of the respiratory tract probably contributes to frequent respiratory infections experienced by many patients. The inhalation of hypertonic saline is known for accelerating the liquidation in the tracheobronchial in many conditions, likely to induce a liquid flow in the surface of the respiratory tract, altering the mucus reo logical in a favorable way to the settlement of mucus.

- The inhalation of mannitol powder has a similar effect. The agents have an interesting approach to the problem of mucostasis, and deserve further clinical evaluation.
- TARGETS: To determine if inhalation of substances hypersolmonare are effective in strategic treating of Bronchiectasis Research
- SELECTION CRITERIA: Any process using hyperosmolario inhalation in patients with bronchiectasis not caused by cystic fibrosis.
- Collection and analysis of data: The reference has been identified by research.
- MAIN RESULTS: Just one study that did an experiment on 11 patients with bronchiectasis has been identified. The result has been tracheobronchial with provision of liquidation of a radioaerosol after inhalation of particles of dry mannitol on a single occasion, with the appropriate controls. The cleaning of the respiratory tract doubled in the intermediate and central regions of the lung, but not in the peripheral region, and followed by an administration of mannitol. After this experiment no side effects were observed, but two patients received nedocromil to prevent bronchospasm. Further research conducted in September 2001 did not identify any further studies of the reviewer.

- CONCLUSIONS: The dry powder named mannitol has demonstrated tracheobronchial improvements and liquidation of bronchiectasis, such as cystic fibrosis, asthma, and normal subjects. It is not yet available for clinical use. Hypertonic saline has not been tested specifically for bronchiectasis, but in the improvement of liquidation in these conditions and other chronic bronchitis. The controlled and randomized studies of mannitol and hypertonic saline with clinical endpoints are needed today.
- The aerosol of hyaluronic acid prevents the exercise of induced constriction of the bronchial, suggesting new hypotheses on the matrix correction of the defects of asthma
- Petrigni G. Allegra L.
- Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a biopolymer, which is part of the family of glycosaminose. It is one of the main natural components of the connective amorphous matrix. The lungs together with the skin and intestine, contain less than 50% of hyaluronic acid of the body: this provides more biological functions and has the unique ability to link and to maintain a high number of water molecules in the body. Given that other glycominose have proved to be endowed with anti-asthmatic properties, the hyaluronic acid has been used with positive results in intratracheal instillation in
- experimental models of pulmonary emphysema and COPD. We explored the efficacy of pre- administered aerosol of hyaluronic acid for the prevention in patients with asthma, bronchoconstriction induced by a challenge test, as the one obtained with muscular exercise. Through a vulnerable point chosen at random and created with physiological saline and hyaluronic acid, these 2 components were administered via aerosol in 2 non-consecutive days, 30 minutes before proofing (10min free running), 14 patients (13-36 years old; 7 teens, 7 young adults; 11 males, 3 females, 12 allergic, 2 non-allergic), all with mild bronchial asthma. The effect of broncho- constructive induced by muscular exercise has been detected and is statistically significant. With the physiological solution, the pretreatment of the saline solution is measured by the average volume of air 5min after the end of exercise, and this has been reduced by 36.14% compared to the starting volume of air. Pre-treatment with hyaluronic acid leads to a partial but clear protection of the volume of air durable due to the test: The average post-test of the volume of air contains 12.43% less than the original value pre-test. There was no significant difference in the level of protection of hyaluronic acid in the subgroup of adolescents which is compared to the one of young adults. The protection induced by hyaluronic acid, if compared with the physiological solution, gives a particularly significant result from the statistical point of view (p <0,0001). We conclude that aerosol administration of hyaluronic acid significantly reduces bronchial hyper-reactivity to muscular exercise in asthmatic. This effect could be ascribed to the correction of pathological remodeling, one of the main characteristics of asthma: a correction that could be attributed to the physico-chemical unique properties of this important component of the amorphous matrix dissolved in connective airway, which is undoubtedly involved in the remodeling process.



Халотерапия за дете с придружител

В цената е включен двадесет и пет минутен престой на дете с придружител.

Въпреки, че квадратурата на помещението, количеството хималайска сол и апаратурата са пригодени за пет възрастни, в залата се допускат максимум двама родителя с дечицата си.

Клиентите ползват солна терапия, пресъздаваща естествен морски климат.

Солта е предварително разтворена, което я микронизира и я прави изключително подходяща за детската респираторна система, както при атопични дерматити, за тонизиране на кожата при родителя, успокояване на нервна система и др.

В цената са включени и хромотерапия, звукотерапия и ароматерапия при желание.

Продължителност 25 минути – 10лв


Здраве за нашите родители

Ценим нашите родители и  хората в пенсионна възрас. Знаем, че грижата за тях трябва да е щадяща като за децата ни. Това е причината да правим 50% отстъпка за семейство или приятели пенсионери.

Изключително сме полезни в първите дни на грип и настинка или след като е отминал пикът на заболяването, за да се изчисти респираторната система. Спестяват се тревоги и честа употреба на медикаменти.

Продължителност 25 мин – 5 лв

                                    45 мин – 10 лв


Тематични работинички за деца

Организираме тематични работилнички за деца в събота, в групи до пет деца.

Препоръчителната възрастова група е 4-6г.

За деца в първи и втори клас работилниците са водени от психолог на актуални теми.

Продължителност 1:30 – 15лв


Релакс под звука на тибетски звънкови купи.

Съчетание на халотерапия, ароматерапия и преструктуриращ звук от тибетски звънкови купи. Медитацията е водена от известният терапевт Светлана Урумова. Тя ни гостува по един ден в месеца и енергийната терапия е със записване на час седмица по-рано.


Продължителност 45 мин – цена 22лв

Светлана Урумова прави и лични енергийни консултации с предварителна уговорка.



Кинезитерапевтичен масаж в солна среда.

Всеки понеделник при нас гостува кинезитерапевта Теодора Христова.

Тя е завършила висшето си образование в Германия.

Специализирала е оздравителна гимнастика за жени, а последните години се развива успешно в Боуен терапия.

Масажът се осъществява в солна среда и можете да бъдете придружени от децата си.

Продължителност за възрастни 60мин – 50лв

                                    За деца 40 мин -40лв

                                    За бебенца 30лв Интересното тук е , че коликите при малките бебешоци изчезват от първата или втората Боуен терапия, без прием на медикаменти.


Адрес: София, кв.Хаджи Димитър, ул. Клисура 13а, до поликлиниката
Работно време: 

Понеделник-петък  10: 00 часа-19: 00 часа

Събота 11: 00 часа-17: 00 часа

Неделя - с предварителна уговорка



Адрес: Варна, ул. Н.Михайловски 17, до сладкарница Синчец
Работно време: 

Понеделник -Събота 11: 00 часа-19: 00 часа

Неделя- почивка


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